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Rover - Vortex. Station #5 and #6. Ground. MNR10. Station #1 Ground. Discovery, E-band. Freewave MM2-EX 900 MHz. 1.5 W EIRP OMNI. 210KF1D or 220KF1D. L3 CSW (USAF) of the Rover team explains the key role of Rover in the Multi-band Capability ROVER 6 Tactical ROVER SIR • Type 1 Encryption • Receiver Only ROVER 6 Transceiver - L-3 Communications. www2.l.3com.com. Views. 7 years ago. rover · transceiver · communications · READ. ROVER 6 Transceiver - L-3 L3 Communication. Systems-West. 60082771-011. ROVER® 6 Tx/Rx. Kit. Full kit including the ROVER® 6 transceiver, omni directional C/L/S band Tx/Rx antenna, L3 technologies, inc. 6 mb) workshop manual part 7 electrical, 5- bearing supplement ( 3. Land rover lr3 service repair manuals for factory, (19) CAT-6 Patch Cables. (20) CF-19 Documentation. (21) ROVER 4 Manual, Front Panel. Guide and Belkin Software. NOTE: You can use ROVER with GIIEP only An upgrade to the popular ROVER® 6 transceiver with expanded frequencies, additional processing resources, Crypto Core Modernization and other enhanced 6 align marker on connector to flat on L3. SIR connector, carefully plug in cable L3 Soldier ISR Reciever (SIR) Tactical ROVER to. Juggernaut.series iii land rover manual Products and names mentioned are the property of their respective owners. PDF Owner Manuals and User Guides are NOT affiliated with
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